Developing websites can be incredibly fulfilling. Taking a flat, motionless design and making it dynamic, interactive and most importantly work, is a great feeling. On the other side of this though, is the hours and hours of unnoticed work that go into making the front end experience for the user as seamless as possible.

Whether it’s optimising images, reducing load times, speeding up a process or augmenting for high-resolution screens, these are all details that don’t tend to be noticed when they’re good, but stand out like a sore thumb when they’re poor. That’s why I spend a lot of time making every site as close to perfect as possible across desktop, tablet and mobile.

A common requirement with modern business requires the ability to allow multiple systems to communicate with one another. This could be something simple such as pulling a feed from another site and displaying it on your page, or it could be the use of an API (Application Program Interface) to extend functionality of your website by combining features of another application. An example of this being the use of the Right Move API to integrate with WordPress, so that properties are synchronised between the two portals. APIs are commonly used in eCommerce systems as well.

In the second quarter of 2015 alone, ecommerce was estimated to be worth $84 billion. It’s an industry that’s growing at an amazing rate, and if you have a business that sells products, but not online, then it’s not difficult to argue that you’re missing out on a huge chunk of the market.

Having said that, simply having an online store means very little without sales. That’s where I hope to come in and help you develop the perfect online store for your customers. A lot of people get into the trap of developing for what they like, but I like to make it more scientific than that, by looking at purely in terms of facts and figures. What do consumers like? How do they interact with elements of a store? How is the experience different from mobile to tablet to desktop? Everything I do, I do for a reason and it’s backed up by results.