Deployment can be looked upon in two parts. The first is getting the site onto the most suitable hosting platform. Every site has different requirements and as such, will require different levels of resources to function properly. A site that displays some text and images with a few thousand views a month will most likely work under a regular hosting environment. On the other hand, an eCommerce site that has thousands of visitors a day may require a more robust, dedicate platform to deal with the traffic and bandwidth requirements of a bigger, more active site.

Once hosting has been decided upon, a test domain will be created for your site that will be representative of where the site will be once it’s live. This allows any clients to properly test their website, and gives full access to the cms to add any extra content in preparation for launch.

It’s also an opportunity for me to optimise the site fully for the hosting environment, keeping file sizes low and visit times quick.

Once everything is looking good, the second part of deployment kicks in and the site will seamlessly go live, and the real job of getting people to your site begins!